February 3

Writing Workshop Day – Israel Hands’ Resume

Mrs. Scales announced that Savannah, Jordan B., Haleigh, Ryan R. and Jesse would be the 7th grade spellers for this year’s spelling bee to be held next Monday, February 8th during 6th period in Mrs. Milliner’s room.

Scholastic book orders were passed out and are due next Friday, February 12th.

There is a chat set up on moodle for anyone who has turned in their assignments. There is also a choice listing six book available for the next literary circles. Everyone needs to go to moodle and make a selection by early next week for the book they want to read next.

We worked on what information should go into each section of the resume we are to write on Israel Hands:
Objective – What kind of job is he looking for?
Education – training or schools
Experience – specific jobs he has had in the past
Qualifications – What makes him able to do the job he is looking for?
References – Who can verify his capabilities?

Resumes and Storyboard assignments are due at the start of class tomorrow.

Our root words for today were:
ROOT WORD CARD #55 DIS, DI, DE, DIF—apart, away, down

These ROOT-WORDs are the Prefix DIS, DI, DE, and DIF which means APART, AWAY, DOWN It is different from other ROOT-WORDS which have similar meanings. DIS carries with it a sense of failure; you had something and lost it. A soldier who played the violin and lost a couple of fingers was DISabled. A man who cheated and lost his credit became DIScredited. See? If you learn the ROOT-WORDS you will not be DEpendent upon a dictionary. You will be inDEpendentl.

1. Disarm : DIS arm (dis arm’) v. To take away a weapon; leave defenseless
2. Dichotomy: DI chotomy (die kot’ o me) n. A separation into two parts
3. Divorce: DI vorce (di vors’) n. Separation, one from the other

4. Divulsion: DI vulsion (die vul’ shun) n. A tearing apart
5. Debark : DE bark (do bark’) v. To get off a ship; as, the soldiers must debark at night

6. Debus : DE bus (de bus’) v. To get off a bus

7. Deplane : DE plane (dee plane’) v. To get off an airplane

8. Debunk : DE bunk (dee bunk’) v. To expose as false; talk truth

9. Disagree : DIS agree (dis a gree’) v. Not to have the same opinion

10. Disaster : DIS aster (diz as’ ter) n. A mishap; absence of your lucky star

11. Disabled : DIS abled (dis ay’ b’ld) adj. To be deprived of use, as by an injury

12. Disadvantages : DIS advantage (dis ay’ b’ld) adj. A loss; a detriment; a handicap

13. Disbar : DIS bar (dis bar’) v. To keep away; as, to disbar a layer

February 2

Jim Shoots Israel Hands

In chapter 26 Jim and Israel fight for survival. Jim is pinned to the mast by the dirk Hands flung at him but still manages to shoot off both his pistols. Both guns and Israel fall into the water. The assignment after reading chapter 26 was to do the storyboard handout.

Our root words for today were:ROOT WORD CARD #54 VERS, VERT—turn

These ROOT-WORDS are VERS & VERT which means TURN. VERS comes from versare and VERT comes from vertere. Both are Latin and mean TURN. This root does not tell you where to turn, that is told you by another root, a Prefix placed before the Root. From No. 8 through No. 18 you are given a signal, which way to turn. Exactly like a sign on the highway, to make a left turn or a right one, the Prefixes tell you – away, to, against, with, from, in, through, under and back. You can’t go wrong with root.

1. Versatile : VERS atile (ver’ sat il) adj. Having aptitude for many skills; able to turn from one thing to another

2. Versatility : VERS atility (Ver sa til’ it ee) n. The quality of skill along many lines

3. Versation : VERS ation (ver say’ shun) n. A turning; twisting

4. Versative : VERS ative (ver’ sa tiv) adj. Adaptable; versatile

5. Version : VERS ion (ver’ zhun) n. A changed form; an adaptation; a translation

6. Versus : VERS us (ver’ sus) prep. Against; as, in a legal action of Jones versus Smith

7. Vortex : VOR tex (vor teks) n. A double motion of whirling and pulling down; a whirlpool

8. Controversial : contro VERS ial (kon tro ver’ shal) adj. Open to dispute; as, a controversial issue

9. Averse : a VERS e (a vers’) adj. Turned against; as, averse to seeing him

10. Advertise : ad VERT ise (ad’ ver tize) v. Turn attention toward; as, advertise a sale

11. Divert : di VERT (di vert’) v. Turn attention away from; as, divert the mind

12. Invert : in VERT (in vert’) v. Turn upside down; as, to divide by a fraction, invert and multiply

13. Conversant : con VERS ant (kon vers’ant) adj. Acquainted with; as, conversant with the subject

14. Obverse : ob VERS e (ob’ vers) adj. Facing the opponent

15. Reverse : re VERS e (re vers’) v. Turn back

16. Pervert : per VERT (per vert’) v. To turn to improper use; corrupt

17. Subversive : sub VERS ive (sub ver’ siv) adj. Causing to undermine; as, a subversive group

18. Reversible : re VERS ible (re ver’ si b’l) adj. Can be reversed

19. Vertigo : VERT igo (vert’ i go) n. A dizzy spell when everything seems to be turning

20. Vertiginous : VERT iginous (ver tij’ I nus) adj. Dizzy; affected with vertigo

February 1

Jim Takes Over the Hispaniola

Today we read chapters 24 and 25 aloud in class. Jim made it back onto the Hispaniola and took control. He dumped the Jolly Roger overboard and made a deal with the injured Israel Hands.

Our quick write was – What is your opinion of Israel Hands? We have to use our quick write and find more detailed information about Israel Hand from the book Treasure Island to make pre-writing notes in our Writer Reader’s Notebook so that later in the week we can write a resume for Israel Hands. Our notes need to include information that will help us write a resume with five parts: Objective, Education, Experience, Qualifications, and References.

Our own crew Jolly Rogers were hung and crew scores given. We have some excellent crew Jolly Rogers, some are attracting a lot of attention out in the hall as well as in the classroom.

Our root word was ROOT WORD CARD #53 MOT, MO—move

These ROOT-WORDS are MOT & MO meaning MOVE. They come from the Latin words mobilis, movere, motus, all meaning move, and in them you get the reason for the changes in spelling.

1. Mobile : MOB ile (mo’ bele) adj. Capable of moving

2. Mobilize : MOBilize (mo’ bi lize) v. To assemble for movement; as, mobilize forces

3. Mobilization : MOB ilization (mo bi li zay’ shun) n. The act of assembling for action

4. Mobility : MOB ility (mo bil’ it ee) n. The quality of being able to move

5. Motion : MOT ion (mo’ shun) n. Movement; action; as, make a motion

6. Motionless : MOT ionless (mo’ shun les( adj. Without motion

7. Motive : MOT ive (mote’ iv) n. Cause; inducement to move; stimulus to act

8. Motivation : MOT ivation (mote i vay’ shun) n. The reason for an action; cause, inducement

9. Mover : MOV er (mu’ ver) n. One who moves

10. Motor : MOT or (mote’ or) n. That which imparts motion; source of mechanical power

11. Motorcade : MOT orcade (mote’ or kade) n. A group of vehicle going together

12. Automobile : auto MOB ile (au’ to mo bele) n. A motor vehicle; self-moving

13. Automotive : auto MOT ive (au to mote’ iv) adj. Self-moving; self-propelling

14. Demote : de MOT e (de mote’) v. Move away; move down

15. Emotional : e MOT ional (e mo’ shun al) adj. Moved strongly by feelings; as, an emotional act

16. Motivate : MOT ivate (mote’ i vate) v. Move to action; as, anger will motivate crime