February 5

A Snowy End to the Week

Study Guides were checked for points through chapter 29.

Our root word today was: ROOT WORD CARD #57 PER—through, thorough

The ROOT-WORD is the Prefix PER which means THROUGH. It is a very useful one. Small as it is, it speaks a mouthful, and every time. Whether it is a matter of paying toll PER capita, or taking down words PER minute, working for a PERcentage, or making coffee in your PERcolator, this little one is working for you. It is a great favorite in Latin phrases.

1. Per annum :PER annum (per an’ um) adv. In each year; for each year

2. Per capita :PER capita (per kap’ it a) adv. For each head; by each unit of population

3. Perforated :PER forated (per’ for rate ed) adj. Bored through; as, perforated paper

4. Perennial :PER ennial (pe ren’ ee al) adj. Through the years; year after year

5. Peradeventure :PER adventure (per ad ven’ chur) n. A matter of chance; uncertainty

6. Peregrinate :PER egrinate (per’ e grin ate) c. To walk through; to travel; especially, on foot

7. Perambulate :PER ambulate (pe ram’ byu late) v. Walk through; traverse; promenade

8. Perceive :PER ceive (per seve’) v. To understand; to take cognizance of

9. Perception :PER caption (per sep’ shun) n. Act of knowing truths; insight; awareness

10. Perceptive :PER captive (per sep’ tiv) adj. Having keen perception

11. Percolate :PER collate (per’ ko late) v. To drip through; to filter

12. Percent :PER cent (per sent’) n. The parts in the hundred

13. Percentage :PER centage (per sent’ ij) n. Rate of interest; so many per hundred

14. Percurrent :PER current (per kur’ ent) adj. Running through; as the midrib of a leaf

15. Percussion :PER cussion (per kush’ un) n. The striking of sound; as, the drum and the piano are percussion instruments

16. Percussive :PER cussive (per kus’ iv) adj. Operated by percussion; as, the percussive force

Note to parents added to next week’s lesson plans:

I can’t believe we are already into February. This year is just moving by so quickly.

Monday will be the last day that students can take The Lightning Thief AR test to earn a free movie ticket on Sunday. All students are invited to join the group for the movie on Sunday February 14th at the movie theater in Muncie. I will be purchasing the movie ticket for those students who earned a 9 or a 10 on the AR test, but everyone is invited to attend. I won’t know the exact movie time until early next week and I cannot provide any transportation.

The tutoring session went well this week so I will be starting to stay after school one night a week for free tutoring. The regular sessions will begin the week after next and be on Wednesday evenings. Beginning Wednesday, February 17, 2010 I will stay until 4:30 each Wednesday for tutoring.

Root Words – we study root words as a part of the 7th grade Language Arts core curriculum aligned with state standards. It is important that your son or daughter study their root words just like they studied and learned their addition or multiplication tables. We have 6 to 10 new words and then a test throughout the entire year. Please encourage them to study these words every week.

Jodie Scales
7th Grade Language Arts Teacher