February 1

Jim Takes Over the Hispaniola

Today we read chapters 24 and 25 aloud in class. Jim made it back onto the Hispaniola and took control. He dumped the Jolly Roger overboard and made a deal with the injured Israel Hands.

Our quick write was – What is your opinion of Israel Hands? We have to use our quick write and find more detailed information about Israel Hand from the book Treasure Island to make pre-writing notes in our Writer Reader’s Notebook so that later in the week we can write a resume for Israel Hands. Our notes need to include information that will help us write a resume with five parts: Objective, Education, Experience, Qualifications, and References.

Our own crew Jolly Rogers were hung and crew scores given. We have some excellent crew Jolly Rogers, some are attracting a lot of attention out in the hall as well as in the classroom.

Our root word was ROOT WORD CARD #53 MOT, MO—move

These ROOT-WORDS are MOT & MO meaning MOVE. They come from the Latin words mobilis, movere, motus, all meaning move, and in them you get the reason for the changes in spelling.

1. Mobile : MOB ile (mo’ bele) adj. Capable of moving

2. Mobilize : MOBilize (mo’ bi lize) v. To assemble for movement; as, mobilize forces

3. Mobilization : MOB ilization (mo bi li zay’ shun) n. The act of assembling for action

4. Mobility : MOB ility (mo bil’ it ee) n. The quality of being able to move

5. Motion : MOT ion (mo’ shun) n. Movement; action; as, make a motion

6. Motionless : MOT ionless (mo’ shun les( adj. Without motion

7. Motive : MOT ive (mote’ iv) n. Cause; inducement to move; stimulus to act

8. Motivation : MOT ivation (mote i vay’ shun) n. The reason for an action; cause, inducement

9. Mover : MOV er (mu’ ver) n. One who moves

10. Motor : MOT or (mote’ or) n. That which imparts motion; source of mechanical power

11. Motorcade : MOT orcade (mote’ or kade) n. A group of vehicle going together

12. Automobile : auto MOB ile (au’ to mo bele) n. A motor vehicle; self-moving

13. Automotive : auto MOT ive (au to mote’ iv) adj. Self-moving; self-propelling

14. Demote : de MOT e (de mote’) v. Move away; move down

15. Emotional : e MOT ional (e mo’ shun al) adj. Moved strongly by feelings; as, an emotional act

16. Motivate : MOT ivate (mote’ i vate) v. Move to action; as, anger will motivate crime