February 19

Analyzing Writing Prompts

Analyzing Writing Prompts includes:

Identifying the Key Terms
Determining Purpose and Goal
Knowing the Task and Reader

Today’s prompt was:

When Mrs. Scales was your age there was no such thing as the internet, cell phones were not yet invented, and computers were huge machines that used special language. Technology has come a long way. Imagine where technology will take us by 2025. Write a two-page essay or narrative that explores your ideas about technology and the future.

We identified the key terms to be:

We reviewed what we had learned last semester about essays and narratives.

Essay’s are about one topic and have an introduction/body/conclusion.

Narrative is another name for a story and must have a beginning/middle/end.

We looked at the need for transitions such as: important, more important, the most significant; first, second, third; therefore, consequently, as a result.

Finally, Mrs. Scales reminded us to use specific details with examples in our writing.

We had 45 minutes of writing time for today’s prompt.