February 23

May I Recommend

Today we covered the homework packet (lavender) assigned yesterday. It was a sample ISTEP writing prompt asking us to recommend a book, movie, or television show. Homework points were awarded and then we worked in small groups to grade each others writing prompts based on the example packet (yellow) and rubric we received yesterday in class. There were a lot of really good essay’s and it helped hearing what everyone else had written. The biggest problem seemed to be that even the really well detailed responses pretty much focused on just giving a plot summary of the chosen book, movie, or television show. Let’s look at exactly what the prompt asked us for:

Review a favorite book, movie, or television show.
Include the title, names of major characters or actors who played them and a brief summary of the plot.
Describe the special qualities in this book, movie, or television show that make it especially entertaining or interesting.

We also look to see if each essay had a strong introduction, body and conclusion.

Along with the homework packet review, we looked at how to write our Literary Circle Forum responses.

Make sure you read your assignment sheet and do the forums before the final due dates listed for each chunk. Remember follow the instructions on your assignment sheet. These forums are a writing assignment and will be graded according to your rubrics.

Don’t forget:

No color text or pictures in your forum posts.

Use italics when listing the name of the book in your post.

Use the author’s full name the first time you use it, and last name only each time after that.

We had some class time today and will have some more time tomorrow to finish our written responses.

Our homework packet for today (gold) was passed out and is due when we come to class tomorrow.