February 28

Writing Workshops Continue

After a very good round of drafts, we are moving right along with our Peer Reviews and Revisions for next week’s Final Hamlet Essay.

Today – Peer Review Day

The peer review should serve two purposes:

  1. To help the writer of the essay you are reviewing to see how another student reads and understands their writing.
  2. To help you take what we are discussing and looking at back to be used in revising your own essay.

In Turnitin you have been assigned a fellow student essay to read and answer questions about. Be sure that you are being very thoughtful and considerate about your responses. There are minimum word counts on each question. You do not need to worry about these word counts, other than to use them as a guide to how much you should be saying in your responses. The more thought and information you provide in your responses the more help you will be to the writer.

After you have reviewed the essay you have been assigned and any comment I posted on your original essay draft you will be ready to begin the revision stage of the writing process for this assignment. Here are some important things to remember about revision.

Revision = big changes to the draft. This is not where you simply fix errors (that is proofreading and done as the final stage prior to publishing). Revision is when you take out chunks, rearrange information, or possibly even change the organizational structure of your paper. What worked well in the first draft that you can keep, and what didn’t work well or meet the needs of the assignment that you need to cut or change? Your revised essay will most likely not look or read very much like your draft did. Revision is improving, changing, adjusting, not simply correcting errors.

Remember all Final drafts are due turned in through Turnitin by the end of your class period on Monday, March 5th, whether you are at school or not.