January 24

Why do I need to read the blog?

Today a student asked me how many words the Integrity Essay needed to be.  When I responded that he could find that information on the blog, he made a derogatory comment about it being my job to answer students’ questions. I replied that I had just answered his question by directing him as to where he could find the information for himself. Why do you think I would do that? Wouldn’t it be easier to just repeat the same instruction given last Wednesday and repeated again on Friday, and then again on Monday of this week? Those were not rhetorical questions. I really want you to think of a response. Why would I not just take the easy way out and keep repeating the same information over and over and over again no matter how many times it was ask?

Well, now let me give you my response to both those questions. Yes, it would simply be easier and probably make me a more likable teacher if I simply smiles and provided the information again to every student who didn’t pay attention when I was original providing the information because I was speaking to the entire class and not them individually.  One of the skills I see lacking in students today is the ability to do for themselves or take responsibility for information given as a part of the entire class instruction. My job is to teach you how to read, write, listen, and speak more effectively. Each of those skills require critical thinking and the use of habits of mind and study skills that come from being able to connect ideas and information. By not listen to information given, or reviewing the information posted for you, you are not taking any of the responsibility for developing those skills, that I have pointed out to you from the start of the school year as being an important part of the course . If you have listened, taken notes, and reviewed the information on the blog and still do not understand something, or how to do something, then by all means ask. But no, my job is absolutely not doing the work for you and repeating information that you are more than capable of finding on your own just because it is easier to ask again rather than find the information yourself is doing the work for you.  Yes, I too get tired of saying, “read the blog” over and over again.

Believe it or not, I do have solid research proven reasons for the way I do most things that I do in the class room, including summarizing nearly every day of class room instruction for you on the blog several times a week. So the next time you think I am not doing my job because you don’t get the answer you might like from me, or the next time you miss school (even when it is absolutely unavoidable to have missed school ) go to the blog first to see what you can figure out for yourself. Then once you have reviewed the information provided, please, by all means come to me and ask questions about anything that you do not understand. I will always answer your question, it may just be an answer that helps direct you to the right place to find what you needed.

Directly from the Eng. 9 Syllabus that you were provided at the beginning of the school year:


While it is true that someone great once said, “there is never a dumb question” I expect you to be independent learners, taking ultimate responsibility for your learning. Therefore, think prior to asking questions. Think about whether or not I have already provided you that information and if so, where you can go back to find the information prior to asking a question. Our class time together is important and I promise that I will have prepared extensively for what we will be doing each day, therefore I don’t feel it is too much to expect that you will listen carefully, take notes when needed, and not waste class time on questions that you should be able to answer yourself. Strive to be one of those people who furthers the issue by asking well developed probing questions of relevance to the entire class.

“If I have to tell you what to do, then you are not marketable” Apple

I will propose problems, guide you to resources and solutions, opportunities and different ways of thinking, but you have to own your own learning. I will own the learning target or objective as aligned to our state standards for English 9 and allow you to choose the how. If one way of learning isn’t working for you, I will help you uncover deeper meaning within varied learning techniques, but I can’t learn it for you. The sooner you take personal responsibility for your learning, the quicker you will be on the path of choosing your own life-long adventure. Educate yourself on intellectual autonomy and empower yourself. You get about 100 years to live out the story of your life and I am not the director. You are the star and director of your own learning and your life story.

Posted January 24, 2017 by mrsscales207 in category Language Arts

About the Author

My life has taken many paths. I grew up in Farmland, Indiana and graduated from Monroe Central High School in 1979. Yes I know that seems like a long time ago to most of you. After I graduated from High School, I went into the U. S. Navy. Not a lot of women enlisted in the Navy back then. Boot camp was still segregated (that means there were only women in my boot camp) and yes, boot camp is as bad as they say it is. I survived though and began seeing a little more of the world than just our lovely corn and soy bean fields of Indiana. I was an advanced avionics technician and worked on F14 Tomcat jets in the Navy. Back then women couldn't go on ships but I was stationed in Bermuda for a little over a year. Bermuda is beautiful and the people are warm and friendly. I married my husband while in the Navy and we eventually moved to Minnesota.

14 thoughts on “Why do I need to read the blog?

  1. Kelsey Foust

    I think that you would give the student the information where to find the answer to his question because you had already given the information aloud in class and the assignment he was asking about was due the next day. Yes it would be very easy to just repeat the assignment daily and let the student know what it was, but by them reading the blog it teaches responsibility of actions and responsibility of getting their homework done the correct way and on time. Taking the easy way out would let the lazy students win and not help them learn responsibility of reading something for a class, as we are suppose to read the blog everyday.
    The tone of this post is to inform us of what we are supposed to do, which we were told at the beginning of the year,.

  2. Ethan D

    1.) You want us to read the blog because it’s the source of information that you have posted for our education and problem solving.

    2:)I think you don’t you take the easy way out and keep repeating yourself because you want us to be independent and look up our problems before we ask you. There isn’t always going to be a person you coming running your problems to in life and you’re teaching us that.

    The tone of the story is to inform us about reading the blog and how it helps us.

  3. Katie McCormick

    I think you did that because we should have the responsibility to go on the blog and see what we have to do. She shouldn’t have to repeat herself if she said it once then you should have been responsible enough to listen and follow the directions so no she shouldn’t have to say it more then once. The reason to not repeat yourself and not take the easy way out because we are high schoolers and should have responsibility.

  4. Rileigh Miller

    1) You direct the student to where the information is to help them understand that they can look and find the answers on the blog, to explain that it’s their responsibility to check it, and to help them read information to understand.
    2) No it wouldn’t be easier to repeat the same thing of instructions and activities, you should only have to say it once, and the students should know that the information will be on the blog, if not THEN ask. You shouldn’t have to repeat yourself.
    3. You don’t take the easy way out because you’re trying to teach the students responsibility to read and check the blog to when things are do and what’s going on, the have them read and grasp the information being explained.

    The tone is informative, informing the students about why you have us read the blog and why you don’t repeat yourself.

    The example of why it’s informative is 1) You direct the student to where the information is to help them understand that they can look and find the answers on the blog, to explain that it’s their responsibility to check it, and to help them read information to understand.
    2) No it wouldn’t be easier to repeat the same thing of instructions and activities, you should only have to say it once, and the students should know that the information will be on the blog, if not THEN ask. You shouldn’t have to repeat yourself.
    3. You don’t take the easy way out because you’re trying to teach the students responsibility to read and check the blog to when things are do and what’s going on, the have them read and grasp the information being explained.

    The tone is informative, informing the students about why you have us read the blog and why you don’t repeat yourself.

  5. Josh Herbst

    I think you did it because you expect us to be responsible and you know we are capable of finding the information ourselves.
    I think it would be easier to repeat the information but I understand that repeating it doesn’t help us at all, we need to learn where to find it for ourselves.

  6. Brylie Foster

    I understand that it our responsibility to read the blog for our own benefit. We need to learn responsibility and learn how to do things ourselfs but not everyone has wifi at home to check the blog everyday. You expect us to read the blog before we even come to class but some teachers don’t allow us to do other things in their and we can’t spend our passing periods checking the blog becasue it is to short.

    I think you not repeating yourself all depends on how many times you say I think and depending on how the child asks. If the child comes to you and ask individually I think that you should tell them becasue everyone forgets things and with their being so much on the blog it can be hard to find.

    I think that the tone is kinda frustrated And informing just becasue you explain this all the time but you still need to. You are trying to explain it to us over and over again.

  7. Sydney Carrow

    I think that Mrs. Scales directed the student to the blog so she wouldn’t have to repeat herself again over instructions given the week before. Yes, it would probbely be easier to just tell us, but that doesn’t teach anything. If Mrs. Scales was to just tell us the answer to everything we asked, we would not learn how to do anything on our own. Responsibility should be a skill that high schoolers have,and if they don’t it is because teachers, parents, and other adults do everything for them. Depending on having to listen to instructions and using resources other than the one who gave the instructions is teaching us to help ourselves and responsibility by having us look things up on our own.
    The tone of post is that Mrs. Scales was trying to tell us in a directive way that the kids in the freshman class need to be more independent.

  8. Lexi Wulff

    I think you would do this because you have already told the students aloud in class the instructions. Yes, it would just be easier to tell the student the answer. Although, after you have told the classes multiple times the information that they need to know and you have it posted on the blog, you are probably tired of repeating yourself so you just told the student to look on the blog. You did not just take the easy way out and keep repeating the same information because I think you were frustrated about repeating yourself multiple times. You were frustrated that the information could have easily been found, but the student chose not to.
    The tone of this post is to remind us of our jobs we are supposed to do as a student.

  9. Camryn Curry

    I think you told him to read the blog instead of asking you, because you wanted to tell him how to find the answer on his own and not be so dependent. You didn’t just take the easy way out by just repeating the answer because you are teaching us responsibility and how to handle ourselves in he real world. When we are grown up and have a job, we aren’t going to have anyone repeating answers to us ten times, we will have to answer them for ourselves.
    The tone of this blog post is to inform us that you are trying to teach us responsibility, not just not doing your job.

  10. Shelley

    1.) You want us to read the blog because it helps us learn how to read directions and do what they say. I don’t beleive you take the easy way out. You put the information on the blog to help us with responsibility. You put the stuff on the blog because you believe we need to be able to promblen salve and figure things out ourself with out having to ask someone else.

    2.) the tone of the post is to inform.

  11. Lauren hood

    You anwsered the students question by giving the student the tools to find the answer to his/her question On there own because you are teaching them a grater life lesson that lesson is if you can’t help your self than no one else will help you in other words you are teaching them to relie on your self (independents). Yes it would be easer to just answer the question multiple times but that would not teach us independentce

  12. Meagan

    I think that you put thinks on the blog for us to help us develop listening skills, analyzing information, the independence that we should already have, and many more characteristics that we should have already developed throughout our school years. Yes, it would be easier for you to just give us the same instructions through out the week say in and day out but that doesn’t help. That won’t help us to grow and mature into young adults. It doesn’t get us ready for the real world like the blog will. One day we aren’t going to have all the teachers treating us like we still need to hold their hands and we’re going to have to get abjob and live on our own. Anyways, I think that the tone of this blog post is to inform

  13. Emma Schuck

    I feel that you tell us to check the blog so when we get into the real world and don’t have anybody to tell us things then we can use our resources to find what we are looking for. On some topics it could be easier for you to tell us the answer but when you have to explain something that you had to take 20 mins to say the first time then it would be easier for us to use our resources. The tone of this blog post was to get the point across it could come off rude but you were trying to inform us on what we need to do and how to do it.


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