December 2

Eng. 10


Take a look at the posters in the front of the room. One poster is labeled 100 Words Every High School Freshman Should Know and the other is 100 Words Every High School Graduate Should Know. As today’s quick write you need to reflect on the differences of the words on each list and talk about where you feel you are, as a sophomore, mastering the words on one or both of the lists. Do your quick write in Canvas and remember that you will be graded on your thoughts as well as your writing. You will have the first 15 minutes of class and therefore should have at least one or two strongly developed paragraphs.


Best Quick Write response so far:

There are vast differences between the vocabulary on each poster. The poster containing the words that freshman need to know has more simple or basic words that I already know. On the contrary, the poster full of words for the high school graduate is a very advanced list of vocabulary and I know very few of the words. The high school graduate vocabulary has longer and more complex words than the freshman list. Also, the words from the graduate poster are harder to pronounce and require lore sounding out than the words from the other poster. To me, these lists are vastly different and the difficulty on each ranges greatly.

     As a sophomore, I feel that I know the denotation of a lot of the words on the freshman vocabulary poster. For the few that I don’t know, I can break them down and sort of have an educated guess at what they mean. As for the high school graduate vocabulary poster, the words on this poster are very complex and I haven’t even seen half of them before. Very few of them are monosyllabic and of those few they are still difficult to figure out. I am not close to mastering this complicated list of 100 words like I am with the simpler freshman vocabulary list.