September 28

Student Written Blog

Our log today was (mostly) written by Jeremy M.

Today we started out by taking a pop quiz on using resources.

“Right now, Mrs. Scales is giving us a lecture about doing our work.  She is saying that we will have homework every day until we start passing every piece of homework.”

(Okay, actually I said, “We will have daily homework assignments until the majority of students can demonstrate that they are using the resources provided for them.”)


Today our root word was cent, centi – it means 100 or hundredth. Our example words were, centennial, centimeter, and century.


Today was also a writing workshop day.  We are working on conventions and have to edit our essays.  After we have edited our essay’s ourselves, we have to trade and proofread someone else’s essay.  Our essays are due at the start of class on Friday, but today is the last class time we will have to do any work on them.