January 22


ROOT WORD CARD #51 DUC, DUCT—lead, bring, draw

These ROOT-WORDS are DUC, & DUCT which come from the Latin ducere meaning LEAD. It will indeed LEAD, BRING OR DRAW you to many places, people, and subjects.

1. Abduct : ab DUCT (ab dukt’) v. To take away by force; kidnap

2. Deduct : de DUCT (de dukt’) v. To take away from; as, deduct ten percent of the price

3. Deductible : de DUCT ible (de duk; ti b’l) adj. Can be taken off; as, tax deductible

4. Educate : e DUC ate (ej; u kate) v. To develop; teach; lead out from ignorance

5. Introduction : intro DUC tion (in tro duk; shun) n. The act of bringing together

6. Inductile : in DUCT ile (duk’ til) adj. Inflexible; unyielding; not easily led

7. Produce : pro DUCE (pro dyuse’) v. To bring forth; lead forward

8. Product : pro DUCT (prod’ ukt) n. Anything produced by growth, labor, thought

9. Productive : pro DUCT ive (pro duk’ tiv) n. Causing to bring forth; creative

10. Production : pro DUC tion (pro duk’ shun) n. The act of bringing forth; creation

11. Reduce : re DUCE (re dyuse’) v. To lead to a lower position or price; as, reduce to poverty

12. Reduction : re DUC tion (re duk; shun) n. A lowering; as a reduction in price

13. Seduce : se DUCE (se dyuse’) v. To lead apart; lead astray

14. Conducive : con DUC ive (kon dyue’ siv) adj. Tending to promote; as conducive to good health

ROOT WORD CARD #52 INTRO, INTRA—inside, within

This ROOT-WORD is the Prefix INTRO, INTRA meaning INSIDE, WITHIN. The three ROOTS – INTER, INTRA & INTRO – must be clearly spoken and exactly understood. INTERnational means between all the nations of the world. INTRAnational means within one nation. Notice the change in spelling. Notice how similar it is to INTER. Notice how careless pronunciation makes them sound almost exactly alike. The meaning is very different. In ancient days every city had a protective wall around it. Within the wall meant with the city. That is why sports or events within one city are still called INTRAmural.
1. Intracollegiate : INTRA collegiate (in tra ko lee’ ji at) adj. Within the college

2. Intraschool : INTRA school (in tra skule’) adj. Within the school

3. Intramural : INTRA mural (in tra myur’ al) adj. Within the community or institution; as intramural sports

4. Intragroup : INTRA group (in tra grupe’) adj. Within the group

5. Intracoastal : INTRA coastal (in tra kose’ tal) adj. Within coastal water

6. Intracontinental: INTRA continental(in tra kon ti nen’ tal) adj. Within the continent

7. Intradepartmental: INTRA departmental(in tra depart ment’ al) adj. Within the department

8. Intrabred : INTRA bred (in tra bred’) adj. Mating within tribe or race

9. Intravenous : INTRA venous (in tra vee’ nus) adj. Within the veins
10. Introceptive : INTRO captive (in tro sep’ tiv) adj. Capable of receiving into itself

11. Introduce : INTRO duce (in tro dus’) v. Lead into; present

12. Introduction : INTRO duction (in tro duk’ shun) n. Act of presenting

13. Introflex : INTRO flex (in tro fleks’) v. To bend inward
14. Introject : INTRO ject (in tro jekt’) v. To throw within; as, introject new ideas

15. Introjection : INTRO jection (in tro jek’ shun) n. Act of throwing oneself into a project
16. Introvert : INTRO vert (in’ tro vert) n. One who turns inward; draws