March 14

Day 2 Questions 1 – 7

Today we answered questions 1 – 7 concerning our cold read yesterday of the first chapter of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s short story, “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.”

The first six questions were reading comprehension questions over the text and included four of the Part A / Part B type questions we talked about yesterday. The last question was a writing prompt.

7. Write a narrative in which you describe the next scene that might take place in  “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.” Maintain the same point of view, mood/tone, and pacing of the original story. Be sure to observe the conventions of standard English. Your narrative should have an introduction, presentation and examination of the conflict, and a clear resolution.

We discussed the importance of understanding what the prompt is asking for. A narrative is a short story. Basically, students are being asked to write the next chapter of the story. We talked about what it means to maintain the point of view, mood / tone , and pacing.

Students who needed or wanted more time to do their very best work on the assignment worked during class today and took it home as a homework assignment.