April 26

Using Your Writing Quick Checks

The deadline for our first of three required writing assignments is coming up fast. We have to have one final draft turned in by the start of class on Thursday, April 29th; that’s just three days from today!

Our writing workshop mini lesson for today showed us how to use our color coded Quick Checks to make sure we have revised and edited our writing based on the genre of writing we are turning in. For example, one of the check list items for expository writing is, “Search for hidden and unusual details that most people wouldn’t know. However, “Show readers the weakness in the opposing viewpoint” is a check list item for persuasive writing. Mrs. Scales says most of us are doing really good in understanding how to work plot lines into our narratives and we all knew that “Figure out how the conflict, problem, or question will be resolved” was from the narrative writing check list.

We wrote and conferences with Mrs. Scales all period today. I love writing workshop days.